Mobile app

United Methodist Church


Every year the United Methodist Church holds hundreds of events in its churches and ministries across the Unites States. The challenge was to take those events and make them accessible to any member of the organization from anywhere regardless of internet access.

Design, HTML, Sass | Ionic

(LTR) Splash screen, home view and expanded menu

(LTR) Splash screen, home view and expanded menu


Into the digital age


Previously the UMC calendar was distributed as a printable PDF at the beginning of the year. The "UMC Cal" app converted each event to be easily searched, bookmarked and shared between members.

(LTR) Browse events view, single event view and single event notes

(LTR) Browse events view, single event view and single event notes


On the same page


In order to provide their members with the best tools for their members the UMC app also provided a "Planning Checklist" for each event. This allowed smaller chapters to provide the same service as their larger counterparts.


Event planning checklist

App icon